HEX CF8EFD - #CF8EFD, RGB(207,142,253) Color
Color Name: | Baby Purple* |
Hex Color Code: | #CF8EFD |
RGB Color Code: | RGB(207, 142, 253) |
CMYK Values*: | 18.2%, 43.9%, 0.0%, 0.8% |
![HEX #CF8EFD Color Name, Color Code, Palettes, Similar Paints, Images HEX #CF8EFD Color Name, Color Code, Palettes, Similar Paints, Images](/img/hex/cf/8e/cf8efd.png)
Color Name: | Baby Purple* |
Hex Color Code: | #CF8EFD |
RGB Color Code: | RGB(207, 142, 253) |
CMYK Values*: | 18.2%, 43.9%, 0.0%, 0.8% |
The RGB color code for color number #CF8EFD is RGB(207, 142, 253). In the RGB color model, #CF8EFD has a red value of 207, a green value of 142, and a blue value of 253. The CMYK color model (also known as process color, used in color printing) comprises 18.2% cyan, 43.9% magenta, 0.0% yellow, and 0.8% key (black). The HSL color scale has a hue of 275.1° (degrees), 96.5 % saturation, and 77.5 % lightness. In the HSB/HSV color space, #CF8EFD has a hue of 275.1° (degrees), 43.9 % saturation and 99.2 % brightness/value.
Color CF8EFD is cool or warm?
Color CF8EFD is a warm color.
What is the LRV of CF8EFD?
Color code CF8EFD has an LRV of nearly 40.
By LRV value, it is a medium color.
Light Reflectance Value (LRV), indicates how light or dark a color will look on a scale of 0 (black) to 100 (white).
HEX #CF8EFD color codes / color number / color space conversions - RGBA, HSL, HSV/HSB, HYZ, CMY, HWB, RYB
HSL(275.14deg, 96.5 %, 77.5 %)
H: 275.14°
W: 55.69 %
B: 0.78 %
X : 53.13
Y : 39.7
Z : 97.79
Y1 : 39.7
X : 0.28
Y2 : 0.21
C : 18.82%
M : 44.31%
Y : 0.78%
Munsell Color System
L : 69.26
A : 44.4
B : -45.97
L : 69.26
C : 63.91
H : 314.01
L : 69.26
U : 25
V : -80.16
L : 63.01
A : 40.25
B : -47.91
Color Name of HEX #CF8EFD
Here are the colors similar to CF8EFD. Delta E (ΔE) is the measure of the difference between two colors. Delta E is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means exact match, and 100 is the highest difference.
Similar colors from Pantone, RAL and other color matching system
Pantone PMS
Pantone PMS color similar/equivalent to CF8EFD.
Paint color for Hex #CF8EFD
Here are the paint colors similar to CF8EFD. Delta E (ΔE) is the measure of the difference between two colors. Delta E is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means exact match, and 100 is the highest difference.
Hex color CF8EFD similar/equivalent paint from Dunn-Edwards. Conversion of hex #CF8EFD to Dunn-Edwards
PPG Paints
Hex color CF8EFD similar/equivalent paint from PPG Paints. Conversion of hex #CF8EFD to PPG Paints
Hex color CF8EFD similar/equivalent paint from Valspar. Conversion of hex #CF8EFD to Valspar
Benjamin Moore
Hex color CF8EFD similar/equivalent paint from Benjamin Moore. Conversion of hex #CF8EFD to Benjamin Moore
Hex color CF8EFD similar/equivalent paint from Behr. Conversion of hex #CF8EFD to Behr
Sherwin Williams
Hex color CF8EFD similar/equivalent paint from Sherwin Williams. Conversion of hex #CF8EFD to Sherwin Williams
Monochromatic colors belong to the same hue angle but different tints and shades. Monochromatic color palette can be generated by keeping the exact hue of the base color and then changing the saturation and lightness.
Analogous colors are a group of colors adjacent to each other on a color wheel. Group of these adjacent colors forms Analogous color scheme Palette. Analogous Palette can be generated by increasing or decreasing the hue value by 30 points.
The triadic color palette has three colors separated by 120° in the RGB color wheel
The tetradic colour scheme composed of two sets of complementary colors in a rectangular shape on the color wheel.
#CF8EFD Opposite Color
Mobile app mockup example for #CF8EFD color
Website mockup example for #CF8EFD color
T-Shirt mockup example for #CF8EFD color
Chart visualization example with #CF8EFD color