Red vs Scarlet
Red vs Scarlet side by side color comparison. Compare the visual difference between Red and Scarlet, and see how they look. Also compare color properties and color code in different color spaces & color models.
Delta E (ΔE) is the measure of the difference between two colors. Delta E is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means exact match, and 100 is the highest difference.
Red is 98.05% similar to Scarlet. Color difference between Red and Scarlet is 1.95 delta E(ΔE).
Name: | Name: |
Red | Scarlet |
Hex Color Code: | Hex Color Code: |
FF0000 | FF2400 |
RGB Color Code: | RGB Color Code: |
RGB(255, 0, 0)
Red: 100.0% Green: 0.0% Blue: 0.0% |
RGB(255, 36, 0)
Red: 100.0% Green: 14.1% Blue: 0.0% |
Cyan: 0.0% Magenta: 100.0% Yellow: 100.0% Key: 0.0% |
Cyan: 0.0% Magenta: 85.9% Yellow: 100.0% Key: 0.0% |
Example Color Images | Example Color Images |