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Kiwi fruit color palatte

Kiwi Green
~ Middle Green Yellow
~ Dark Olive Green
~ Zinnwaldite Brown
~ Ivory
~ Otter Brown

Kiwi fruit color palatte - Palette Image

Kiwi fruit color palatte - Kiwi Green, Middle Green Yellow, Dark Olive Green, Zinnwaldite Brown, Ivory, Otter Brown

Kiwi fruit color palatte

Kiwi fruit color palatte. Palette has 6 colors. The color palette consist of - 8EE53F (Kiwi Green) - B8C35E (~Middle Green Yellow) - 62672D (~Dark Olive Green) - 311B12 (~Zinnwaldite Brown) - F3F5E8 (~Ivory) - 624723 (~Otter Brown) colors.

Palette Colors and Color Codes

Name: Kiwi Green
Hex: #8EE53F
RGB: RGB(142, 229, 63)
CMYK: 38.0%, 0.0%, 72.5%, 10.2%

Name: ~ Middle Green Yellow
Hex: #B8C35E
RGB: RGB(172, 191, 96)
CMYK: 9.9%, 0.0%, 49.7%, 25.1%

Name: ~ Dark Olive Green
Hex: #62672D
RGB: RGB(85, 107, 47)
CMYK: 20.6%, 0.0%, 56.1%, 58.0%

Name: ~ Zinnwaldite Brown
Hex: #311B12
RGB: RGB(44, 22, 8)
CMYK: 0.0%, 50.0%, 81.8%, 82.7%

Name: ~ Ivory
Hex: #F3F5E8
RGB: RGB(255, 255, 240)
CMYK: 0.0%, 0.0%, 5.9%, 0.0%

Name: ~ Otter Brown
Hex: #624723
RGB: RGB(101, 67, 33)
CMYK: 0.0%, 33.7%, 67.3%, 60.4%

~ Color Name is not the exact match. It is the nearest matching name to the Hex Code.

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