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Pastel colors of the rainbow

Pastel Violet
Pastel Indigo
Pastel Blue
Pastel Green
Pastel Yellow
Pastel Orange
Pastel Red

Pastel colors of the rainbow - Palette Image

Pastel colors of the rainbow - Pastel Violet, Pastel Indigo, Pastel Blue, Pastel Green, Pastel Yellow, Pastel Orange, Pastel Red

Pastel colors of the rainbow

Pastel colors of the rainbow. Palette has 7 colors. The color palette consist of - CB99C9 (Pastel Violet) - CEACE6 (Pastel Indigo) - AEC6CF (Pastel Blue) - 77DD77 (Pastel Green) - FDFD96 (Pastel Yellow) - FFB347 (Pastel Orange) - FF6961 (Pastel Red) colors.

Palette Colors and Color Codes

Name: Pastel Violet
Hex: #CB99C9
RGB: RGB(203, 153, 201)
CMYK: 0.0%, 24.6%, 1.0%, 20.4%

Name: Pastel Indigo
Hex: #CEACE6
RGB: RGB(206, 172, 230)
CMYK: 10.4%, 25.2%, 0.0%, 9.8%

Name: Pastel Blue
Hex: #AEC6CF
RGB: RGB(174, 198, 207)
CMYK: 15.9%, 4.3%, 0.0%, 18.8%

Name: Pastel Green
Hex: #77DD77
RGB: RGB(119, 221, 119)
CMYK: 46.2%, 0.0%, 46.2%, 13.3%

Name: Pastel Yellow
Hex: #FDFD96
RGB: RGB(253, 253, 150)
CMYK: 0.0%, 0.0%, 40.7%, 0.8%

Name: Pastel Orange
Hex: #FFB347
RGB: RGB(255, 179, 71)
CMYK: 0.0%, 29.8%, 72.2%, 0.0%

Name: Pastel Red
Hex: #FF6961
RGB: RGB(255, 105, 97)
CMYK: 0.0%, 58.8%, 62.0%, 0.0%

~ Color Name is not the exact match. It is the nearest matching name to the Hex Code.

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